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Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories

Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories:


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Unmasking the Deepfake Nightmare: When Tech Goes Too Far 💻

So, you know how sometimes technology can be super cool? Well, sometimes it’s not so cool. Take deepfake apps, for example. Teens are using these apps to make fake nude photos of their classmates and share them around. Not cool, right?📸

What’s the Deal? At high schools in places like Washington and New Jersey, guys are using these apps to take photos of girls and make them look naked. Then they share these fake photos with everyone. It’s causing a lot of trouble. 😱Why is it a Problem? Imagine someone using a fake photo of you without your permission. It's not just embarrassing; it’s a type of sexual abuse. That’s why people are trying to stop it. Laws have been passed in some places, and more are in the works.

Why it Matters But here’s the thing: some people think these laws aren’t enough. They say we need to crack down on the apps themselves. If we make it harder to use these apps, then there won’t be as many fake photos floating around. What Can We Do? So, how do we stop this? Well, one idea is to make sure these apps can’t be used without permission. Another is to make sure companies are responsible for the stuff they put out. That way, they’ll think twice before releasing something harmful.🚫

Bottom Line Fake photos might seem like a joke, but they can really hurt people. Let’s work together to make sure everyone feels safe and respected online.

German Babies on the Decline! 👶

Hey everyone! Did you know that the number of babies born in Germany last year hit the lowest level in a whole decade? Yep, it’s true! And that’s not all—marriages are also at a near-record low since the postwar era. Let’s dive into what’s going on:

Experts are saying it’s because the German economy hasn’t been doing so hot lately. It barely grew in the past four years, especially with all the stuff happening around the pandemic. Plus, the government is tightening spending, which isn’t helping. Last year, only 693,000 babies were born in Germany, which is a drop of 6.2% from the year before. That’s the lowest since 2013!😱

Why Does It Matter? Well, fewer babies mean fewer people to join the workforce when they grow up. And with Germany already having an older population, this could put a strain on the economy. The number of marriages is also down, which is part of the problem. Back in 2005 and 2007, the government tried to encourage more babies by making daycare better and giving more money to parents. But things have gotten a bit worse lately. Daycare hours got cut, and there’s less money for parents. Not good!🍼

Germany is trying to attract more people from other countries to help out. They’ve introduced new visa schemes to bring in more workers.

 Rioting Farmers Derail Europe's Green Dream 🌍💥

Imagine this: Lyon, France, 2021. The mayor decides to take red meat off school menus, not just for fun, but because it's safer and saves time during a pandemic. But oh boy, did the farmers lose it! They rolled into the city with tractors and cows, yelling about ideology on kids' plates 😱.

But Lyon was just the beginning. All over Europe, farmers revved up their engines, protesting against new eco-friendly rules and demanding more subsidies 💰. From Paris to Brussels to the Netherlands, it was a tractor-tastic rebellion.Europe had big plans to fight climate change with a Green Deal 🌍. But farmers weren't having it! They wanted all the perks of government help without any strings attached. And guess what? They got their way!

You see, for years, the EU has been giving farmers tons of money 💸. But here's the twist: most of these farms aren't exactly eco-friendly 🌱. They guzzle water, spew greenhouse gases, and use a truckload of pesticides 🚱.

But despite their small economic footprint, farmers in Europe have a HUGE say in politics 🚜. They've been getting away with demanding subsidies and blocking eco-friendly rules for ages! So when the EU proposed new laws to clean up farming, like using less pesticides and raising animals more humanely, farmers went ballistic! 💥

And guess what? They won! Politicians caved, watering down the laws and letting farmers off the hook. Now, Europe's green dream is crumbling faster than a stale cookie. But here's the kicker: climate change doesn't care about farmer protests. Sooner or later, farming will have to change, whether the farmers like it or not. And that might mean saying goodbye to those fat subsidies and hello to a greener future 🌳💚.

Crackdowns on Pro-Palestine Campus Protests: 🚓

🌍 Where? Across campuses nationwide, from UCLA to Columbia. 📰 What's Happening? Arrests soared past 1,300 since protests flared two weeks ago, spreading like wildfire to 30+ campuses. 🗣️ Why? Student protesters demand a Gaza ceasefire and want their universities to cut ties with companies linked to Israel.

Hundreds of NYPD officers stormed Columbia University after 9 pm on Tuesday, breaking up a protest inside Hamilton Hall. The building holds historical significance since the 1968 anti-Vietnam war occupation. In Los Angeles, at UCLA, things got wild as counter-demonstrators clashed with pro-Palestinian protesters.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and NY Mayor Eric Adams condemned the violence and blamed "outside agitators." But some protesters felt universities didn't protect them enough from these counter-protesters. Meanwhile, at other campuses like Tulane University and the University of Arizona, police used aggressive tactics to clear protests.

What's Next? While the campuses simmer down, the shock of the arrests and violence hangs heavy. Columbia University's president and others face criticism for calling in the police. As tensions ease, the fight for justice in the Middle East continues to resonate on college campuses nationwide.

Join Us EVERY Friday at 11 am, grab your popcorn, and stay curious as there are many more juicy stories to come

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Pfizer vs. CVS: Battle of the Health Giants!

👍 Pfizer Soars: Pfizer, a company that's been feeling the pandemic pinch, got a boost today! Its earnings beat expectations, and with a brighter outlook, its stock price shot up. Cost-cutting and steady COVID drug sales helped too. Analysts say the stock is finding support in the mid-20s. 📈

👀 What's the Buzz? Wall Street isn't too thrilled with Pfizer, but the retail investors have their sentiments as "extremely bullish." 🐂

📉 CVS Takes a Hit: On the flip side, CVS Healthcare isn't having the best time. Along with other pharmacies like Walgreens and Rite Aid, CVS saw its shares drop today. They're now down 50% from their highs. Why? Higher medical costs and sluggish retail sales. ⚠️

💡 The Bottom Line: These companies have been on a rollercoaster, but today's moves show a glimmer of hope, especially for Pfizer. Will the dip buyers be rewarded? Only time will tell. But it's worth keeping an eye on these health giants! 🤷

🚀 NYCB Shares Soar 30% after CEO's Big Plan!

🎉 New York Community Bank (NYCB) had a bit of a rollercoaster day! 🎢 Despite posting a big loss in the first quarter due to sour loans and higher costs, their stock rocketed up thanks to some exciting new goals.

📉 In the first quarter, they had a loss of $335 million, which is a pretty big drop from last year's $2.0 billion profit. But when you consider certain charges, it's actually a $182 million loss, deeper than expected. 😬

🏦 CEO Joseph Otting is feeling optimistic, though! He said, "We're on a mission to turn NYCB into a top-notch bank, and I've got a plan!" He's aiming for profitability in two years, with higher profits and more capital by 2026.

💼 The bank plans to sell $5 billion in assets to boost their cash reserves, which could happen pretty soon. Otting is also looking to reduce exposure to risky loans, especially in office and apartment buildings.

📈 The news cheered up analysts, who were worried about NYCB's future. They think things are looking up, especially with Otting's bold moves.

So, despite a bumpy start, NYCB is setting its sights on brighter days ahead! 🌟