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Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories

Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories:

Good morning everyone. With Taylor Swift in town, it’s time to shake it off and dive into the beat of our newsletter.

🌊 Dive into the mystery of the Cut Cables and Internet disruptions around the world!

Why are your messages not getting out to your loved ones overseas? Ever wondered what could happen if your favourite memes suddenly went MIA? Well, blame it on the Houthis, maybe! These rebels from Yemen are stirring up trouble in the Red Sea, and this time, they might just be messing with your online adventures.

Imagine this: crucial internet cables in the Red Sea got snipped recently by mysterious snippers. Chaos in cyberspace, anyone? The Red Sea isn't just for cruises; it's a digital superhighway linking Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. But with these cables down, chatting with your buddy abroad just got a lot trickier. 🚢📲 The Houthis claim innocence, but experts aren't convinced. After all, Yemen's government-in-exile warned us about these cable-cutting antics. 🕵️‍♂️💻

Why care about underwater cables? They're the internet's lifeblood, faster than satellites! Tech giants like Google and Facebook are splurging millions on them, and guess what? The Red Sea's at the heart of it all, with 17% of global internet traffic flowing through its waves. Next time you're scrolling through cat videos or chatting with friends worldwide, spare a thought for those trusty undersea cables. They're the unsung heroes keeping us all connected! 🌍💙

China's Export Boom: A Bright Spot Amidst the Chaos!

Trade data can be a snooze, but not when it's about China's exports! 🚀 In the first two months of 2024, China's export growth skyrocketed, surprising everyone and giving a much-needed boost to the world's second-largest economy. 🌏💼 Forget the forecasts – China's overseas shipments surged by a whopping 7.1%, leaving economists scratching their heads! And guess what? Imports weren't far behind, growing by 3.5%. With a record-breaking trade surplus of US$125 billion, China is making waves in the global market. 📈💰

But wait, there's more! While China has been facing some tough times lately, with weak demand and geopolitical tensions, this export surge is a beacon of hope. According to experts, global demand is picking up, especially with the US leading the charge in manufacturing activity. And hey, that's good news for China's economy, even if there are some bumps in the road. 🛣️

Microsoft's AI Image Generator Gone Wild!

Hey, tech enthusiasts! Microsoft's Copilot Designer is stirring up some serious trouble in the tech world! 😱🤖

Meet Shane Jones, the AI engineer who stumbled upon some seriously disturbing images while testing Copilot Designer. Armed with his tech know-how, Jones discovered that this AI tool, powered by OpenAI's tech, was churning out images that raised some major red flags. 💥 From violent and sexual content to copyright violations featuring Disney characters and more, Copilot Designer was creating chaos in the digital realm!

Despite Jones' warnings, Microsoft seemed hesitant to take action. So what did he do? He took matters into his own hands, sending letters to the FTC and Microsoft's board, urging them to address the issue ASAP! 📝 But the drama doesn't stop there! Jones revealed that Copilot Designer's Android app is rated "E for Everyone," which seems a bit misleading considering the content it's generating! 😳📱

With concerns over violence, toxicity, and copyright violations, it's clear that Copilot Designer needs some serious reprogramming. Will Microsoft take action before things get even more out of control? Only time will tell! ⏳💻

FDA Greenlights Game-Changing Glucose Monitor!

Dexcom just scored a major win with the FDA approving their Stelo Glucose Biosensor System! 🙌 This means you can soon get your hands on the very first continuous glucose monitor (CGM) without needing a doctor's prescription! So, what's the deal with this cool gadget? Well, it's a nifty sensor that you pop into your upper arm, and it pairs up with your smartphone to give you the lowdown on your blood glucose levels every 15 minutes. Talk about high-tech health tracking! 📱💉

Big Companies Must Spill Greenhouse Gas Secrets! 🌍

So, what's the deal with this rule? Well, it's a big deal! They're shining a spotlight on what companies are doing about climate change. But hold your horses! It's not as tough as we first thought. Back in 2022, they wanted ALL companies to spill the beans. But now? They're taking it easier on the big and midsize players.

Here's the kicker: they're only making these companies spill the beans on the emissions from making electricity. And they've got time to get their act together – reporting starts in 2026 and 2028. But wait, there's more! They scrapped the bit about making companies tell us about the emissions from the stuff they sell. So, sorry oil companies, you're off the hook for now! 🛢️

What does this mean? Gensler says it's a win-win. Investors get a clear picture of what companies are up to, and companies get a standard to meet. But not everyone's on board. Some folks think this rule is giving climate change too much attention. 😕 But hey, it's not all doom and gloom! Some folks are cheering from the sidelines. Democrats are thrilled, saying this is a big step towards greener financial markets. But not everyone's popping the champagne. Some folks are disappointed that the rule isn't as strict as they hoped. 🎉

So, what's the bottom line? The SEC is stepping up its game when it comes to climate change. Whether you're an investor or just curious about the planet's future, this rule is one to keep your eye on! 👀

Join Us EVERY Friday at 11 am, grab your popcorn, and stay curious as there are many more juicy stories to come

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Challenges ahead for Tesla

Hey, young investors! Hold onto your hats because the wild ride of Tesla shares continues! 🎢 This time, they dropped another 7% because some big competitors are slashing prices to attract more buyers. China's BYD is even pricing its popular SUV at a jaw-dropping $16,000 to compete with gas guzzlers. Talk about shaking up the market! 🚗

But hey, not everyone's hitting the panic button! Tesla's recent bumpy road is nothing compared to its overall awesome performance in the long run. 📊

Well, many believe that every superstar stock has its ups and downs, kind of like a rollercoaster! 🎢 As long as Tesla keeps making strides in its business, they think it's still a smart investment for the long haul. 🌟

CrowdStrike's Cyber Success Story!

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Ever heard of CrowdStrike? Well, they just made a splash in the cyber world by smashing expectations in their recent earnings report. Let's break it down in simple terms! 💥

So, while other cybersecurity companies were struggling, CrowdStrike stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park! Their adjusted earnings per share? A whopping $0.95, way above what everyone was expecting. And as if that wasn't impressive enough, their revenues hit $845 million, beating predictions by a cool $6 million. 💰 But wait, there's more! CrowdStrike has been on a winning streak lately, reporting actual profits for the past four quarters straight. And guess what? They're not slowing down! The big bosses are aiming for a jaw-dropping $10 billion in yearly revenue by 2030. Talk about shooting for the stars! 🚀

Oh, and did we mention they're also adding to their team? Yep, they're acquiring Flow Security in a cash-and-stock deal. Plus, they've been on a shopping spree lately, scooping up other companies left and right to fuel even more growth. 🛒 And how did the stock market react to all this good news? Well, let's just say $CRWD shares went through the roof, climbing a whopping 24% to hit record highs. Now, that's what we call a success story! 📈 So, keep an eye on CrowdStrike – they're a company on the rise! 👀