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Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories

Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories:


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Wall Street Woolly Wonders: Sheep Join Solar Revolution!

Wall Street is teaming up with sheep 🐑 to make solar panels even greener! Big investors are using sheep to mow the grass around solar panels. Why? To look super green 🌱 and win over local communities for their renewable energy projects.

Last year, thanks to some fancy tax incentives and cash from big shots like Berkshire Hathaway, the US solar energy industry grew like never before! And guess who's benefiting? Sheep farmers from New York to California! The number of solar sites using sheep has skyrocketed, with 80,000 fluffy grazers munching away across 27 states. That's a lot of sheep!

These woolly workers are experts at trimming grass and weeds under solar panels, which lawnmowers can't reach. Plus, they're eco-friendly and adorable 🐑! Farmers get paid for every visit, and it's a win-win for everyone involved. Even big companies like Berkshire Hathaway are joining the sheep squad, with 5,000 sheep tending to one of their facilities alone!

But it's not just about being cute and eco-friendly. This partnership is also saving the declining sheep industry by giving farmers a new way to make money. It's like a superhero saving the day for sheep farmers everywhere!🌍

US Treasury Secretary Takes on Cheap Exports!🌏

Janet Yellen's latest visit to China comes with some serious finger-wagging! The treasury secretary's got a message for China: ease up on those cheap exports flooding the world market.

Yellen's been keeping an eye on China's mega manufacturing spree, worrying about how it's shaking up economies worldwide, including the US, Mexico, and Japan. Here's the deal: China's throwing out goods at super low prices, thanks to hefty government subsidies. And that's not sitting well with other countries. The US, for one, is sweating over cheap Chinese solar panels and electric cars undercutting its green technology dreams.

So, what's the solution? Yellen thinks China should focus on boosting spending at home instead of relying on exports. Countries from Brazil to the UK are sniffing around, investigating claims that China's playing dirty by selling goods at rock-bottom prices to crush the competition.

And guess what? China's firing back, saying the US isn't exactly playing fair either. They even complained to the World Trade Organization about American electric car subsidies favoring US-made parts. Yellen isn't ruling out putting the brakes on Chinese imports if her warnings don't hit home. 🚫📦

Europe's Migration Maze 🚨

Hidden behind tall cactuses in a small Tunisian town, over 300 folks are camping out, waiting for their shot at crossing the Mediterranean into Europe.🌵 

Trouble's brewing in the coastal area near Sfax, where the Tunisian authorities are cracking down on migrants. Thousands of people from all over Africa are risking it all to reach Europe, fleeing conflict and poverty. In 2023 alone, nearly 292,000 folks arrived in the EU without permission. That's a lot of people with big dreams! So, what's Europe doing about it? 🤔 Well, they're beefing up their borders and striking deals with countries like Tunisia to keep migrants out. But some say these policies come at a cost — human rights abuses and tough living conditions for migrants stuck in limbo.

The EU is shelling out millions to countries like Tunisia to manage their borders, but critics say they're turning a blind eye to the consequences. Reports of forced deportations and mistreatment are raising eyebrows and concerns.It's a tricky situation, balancing the need to control migration with respecting human rights. And with far-right parties gaining ground across Europe, the pressure's on to find solutions — fast! ✨

Trump Megadonor Says "No" to Breaking Up with China

John Paulson, a super-rich guy who's big into supporting Donald Trump and might even become the Treasury secretary if Trump gets back into the White House, just dropped a bombshell. He's all about keeping things cozy with China. Yep, you heard that right! Despite Trump's tough talk on trade and tariffs, Paulson says we shouldn't ditch China like an old pair of sneakers.🌍

Why? Well, according to Paulson, China is a mega player in the world economy. Breaking up with them would be like leaving the second-largest economy at the dance with no one to dance with! Not cool, right? Paulson thinks those tariffs Trump loves to throw around are like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut - too harsh! Instead, he's all about fairness and making sure both sides play by the same rules.

But wait, there's more! Paulson isn't just about cozying up to China; he's also got some thoughts on the Federal Reserve, the big bank that controls interest rates. While Trump's been giving them a hard time, Paulson's like, "Chill, dudes, they're doing okay."

And guess what? Paulson's not a big fan of Joe Biden's economic moves either. He thinks all that money the government's been splashing out is like partying too hard and leaving a massive hangover for the economy. Ouch!

Now, here's the spicy part: Paulson's not ready to admit that Biden won the last election. 😲 Yep, you read that right! He's still got doubts swirling around his head like a tornado. Those court cases against Trump? Paulson's calling them out, saying they're just political games. He's standing firm in Trump's corner, believing that all this drama is only making him more popular.

Boeing Whistleblower: Dreamliner's Dilemma

So, imagine this: there's this engineer at Boeing named Sam Salehpour, and he's blowing the whistle on some serious stuff about the 787 Dreamliner. According to him, parts of the plane are put together in a wonky way that could cause trouble during flights. 😱

Salehpour's been raising the alarm bells, saying that changes in how the plane's giant pieces are assembled could spell trouble down the line. It's like trying to fit together puzzle pieces that just don't quite match up. 🧩 Boeing's saying, "No worries, folks!" They're insisting that the changes they made won't affect how long the plane can soar through the skies. They've been running all sorts of tests to prove it, too!

Now, here's where it gets juicy: Salehpour's not backing down. He's taking his concerns to Capitol Hill! Senator Richard Blumenthal is gearing up for a big showdown where Salehpour will spill all the beans about what's going on behind the scenes at Boeing. But wait, there's even more drama! Remember that other Boeing whistleblower, John Barnett? Well, he's in the mix too, but things took a dark turn when he tragically passed away. 😢

As if that wasn't enough, there's talk of "structural integrity" and "manufacturing practices" swirling around. It's like a mystery that needs solving, and Salehpour's right in the middle of it all!

Join Us EVERY Friday at 11 am, grab your popcorn, and stay curious as there are many more juicy stories to come

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Moderna: The Vaccine Maverick's Next Act!

Buckle up, because this company's making headlines once again with some exciting news! So, picture this: Moderna, the mastermind behind those lifesaving COVID vaccines, is back in the spotlight, and this time, it's all about battling cancer! 🦸‍♂️ Their latest presentation at the American Association for Cancer Research has everyone buzzing.

Here's the scoop: Moderna's cancer vaccine isn't just targeting melanoma anymore—it's taking on a whole new challenger! In a recent trial, when paired with Merck's Keytruda, it showed promising results in treating HNSCC, a type of cancer. 🎉

Now, let's break it down: experts are saying that Moderna's data looks pretty impressive compared to previous studies with Keytruda alone. But here's the big question: can Moderna fast-track approval for treating melanoma while still conducting Phase 3 trials? It's a nail-biter for sure!

Meanwhile, technical analysts are keeping a close eye on Moderna's stock as it revisits familiar territory. Remember when it took a tumble back in 2023? Well, now it's back in the ring, ready for another showdown around the 115-120 level. With today's 6% rally, things are heating up once again! 🔥

So, what's next for Moderna? Will they conquer cancer like they conquered COVID?

Inflation Invasion: Stocks Get the CPI Jitters!

In March, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) jumped higher than expected, sending shockwaves through the market. Inflation, that sneaky beast, decided to play hardball, rising more than economists predicted. 😱 And you know what that means? It's time to pay attention!

While some parts of the economy are chugging along nicely, others are heating up faster than a hot potato. Services like auto insurance are getting pricier, and even a trip to the pump is burning a hole in our wallets as energy costs soar. The Fed's still keeping a close eye on things, making sure inflation doesn't spiral out of control. They're holding off on any big moves until they're sure they've got a handle on it.

Meanwhile, interest rates are climbing, and the U.S. Dollar is flexing its muscles against other currencies. 💪 The market, once banking on rate cuts, is now adjusting its expectations, crossing its fingers for a strong earnings season to keep the good times rolling.

And guess who's feeling bullish despite the turbulence? Yep, you guessed it—retail investors! They're diving into the market headfirst, betting that this dip is just a blip on the radar. Will they come out on top? Only time will tell!