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Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories

Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories:


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Trash Talk: Landfills on the Hot Seat! 🚮

Scientists used fancy tech called imaging spectrometers to scope out the scene from above. No more risky business of wandering around with sensors—now they can fly over and get the scoop without breaking a sweat! The findings? Over half of the landfills they checked out were like methane volcanoes, spewing out more gas than a can of soda! And get this—the buildup of decades-old trash is cooking up a real "garbage lasagna" down there!

Why should we care? Well, methane might seem harmless, but it's a climate change heavyweight! Pound for pound, it's 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide at warming up our planet! Yikes! While most climate plans focus on wrangling emissions from oil and gas, this study says we shouldn't forget about our mountainous mounds of trash. Even with cleaner energy, we've still got to deal with waste management—and that's not a problem we can just sweep under the rug! 🗑️🌱

Saving Whales: Why are we not doing anything despite having the solution! 🌊

Stop the presses! We've got a whale-sized problem on our hands! Despite knowing how to save these adorable North Atlantic right whales, we're still letting them slip away. 🤷‍♂️

Here's the scoop: For centuries, these majestic creatures faced extinction due to hunting. But thanks to protective laws and conservation efforts, they were on the mend. Hooray, right? Not quite. Even with all these safeguards, these gentle giants are still in peril. 😔 Today's biggest threats to these whales? Fishing gear and fast-moving boats. Lines from crab traps are turning into whale snares, while ships are accidentally crashing into them like it's bumper cars at sea! 🚢 

So, what's the solution? It's not rocket science! By using ropeless fishing gear and slowing down boats, we can give these whales a fighting chance. Sure, it might cost a little extra, but isn't saving such an adorable whale worth it? 🌍

Think about it: Would you pay a bit more for lobster if it meant saving a whale's life? We've got the power to make a difference with our wallets. It's time to step up and pay the true cost of protecting these incredible creatures! After all, who wants a world without whales? Let's show these magnificent creatures some love and make sure they stick around for generations to come! 🐳

The deadly risk of a regional war 🌍

Big news alert! Israel just turned up the heat, raising the chance of a big regional meltdown, and American troops might be caught in the middle! 😱

Iranian protesters were angry and burned US flags in Tehran to slam Israel's airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Syria. Even with all the chaos in Gaza, there's been a big question on everyone's minds: Will this conflict spread to involve Iran, its buddies, and maybe even the US military?

After nearly six months since October 7, here's the scoop: The Houthi rebels in Yemen, backed by Iran, have been making waves, even messing with international shipping! 😮 But the fear of a huge war with Hezbollah from Lebanon or direct Iranian involvement hasn't happened yet.

But hold onto your hats, because Monday took things up a notch! Israeli planes swooped in and took out a top Iranian general, Mohammad Reza Zahedi, in Syria. This is the highest-ranking Iranian military officer to be killed in enemy action since 2020! Israel usually keeps quiet about these strikes, but sources spilled the beans to The New York Times. Iran's not happy and neither is Hezbollah, who's promised payback. US officials say they weren't in on it, but Iran's pointing fingers at them anyway. 🤷‍♂️

Some experts thought taking out Zahedi would weaken Iran, but it might actually make them more determined. So, what's next for Iran? They might take it out on US troops in Syria and Iraq. Remember those rocket attacks in January? They could be back on the menu. US forces are keeping an eye out for trouble. They shot down a drone near their base in Syria, hinting that tensions could rise.

Goldman Sachs and their gender pay gap 😱

At Goldman Sachs International, the gap went up to 54%, and at Goldman Sachs Asset Management International, it rose to 54.1%. Goldman Sachs admits that there aren’t enough women in top jobs at the bank. They say they need to do more to fix this. 🛠️

Other big banks, like Morgan Stanley, are also sharing their pay gap numbers. Morgan Stanley’s gap went down slightly, but Goldman’s got bigger. Even though Goldman Sachs is trying to promote more women, some high-profile female executives have left the bank recently. Goldman’s CEO says they’re working on making things more equal, with a goal for more women in top roles by 2025. They say their most recent group of new partners was the most diverse yet! 🌟

While some women at Goldman say things are improving, others think there’s still a long way to go. 🚶‍♀️

Regulators crack down on China’s computer-driven traders and their wild trading ways! 📉

Funds like Lingjun Investment and High-Flyer Capital Management are scrambling to change their fancy trading algorithms after Beijing put the squeeze on speculative bets. This comes after the stock market took a nosedive in January. 😬

Regulators want a fair game and say these high-speed traders are making things too crazy. Some think this crackdown means the end of the gravy train for big profits. But wait, there’s more drama! Lingjun got in trouble for selling a whopping $356 million of shares in just one minute! Now they're saying sorry and trying to smooth things over. Meanwhile, High-Flyer is toning down their risky bets.

Authorities are tightening the leash, keeping a close eye on these quant funds’ every move. They're making them share their secret algorithms and limiting how much they can sell at once. The crackdown is making waves, with some funds losing big and others barely hanging on. But hey, maybe it’s a wake-up call for everyone to play by the rules. In the wild world of finance, it's adapt or get left behind! 🌟

Join Us EVERY Friday at 11 am, grab your popcorn, and stay curious as there are many more juicy stories to come

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Bumpy world of electric vehicles😕 

So, it seems like people aren't as hyped about electric cars as we thought they'd be. They're saying there aren't enough affordable options, and the high costs aren't helping either. Plus, some folks are going for hybrids instead of fully electric rides, giving companies like Toyota a boost. 🚙

And guess what? Tesla, the big electric car star, got knocked off its throne by China's BYD as the top EV maker last year. Now, everyone's slashing prices to get ahead in the game. All this competition means fewer sales and lower prices, and that's not good news for investors. Tesla's stock hasn't been doing too great lately, and it took another hit today when they said their vehicle deliveries dropped for the first time since 2020.

They only delivered 386,810 cars this quarter, which is less than last year and way below what experts expected. Plus, they made even more cars than they sold, showing that demand is slowing down. 😔

Tesla's stock dropped even lower today. Looks like tough times for Tesla.👎

We've got Intel!

First up, we've got Intel, the big chip company. They spilled the beans about their semiconductor business, revealing a whopping $7 billion operating loss. 😱 Sales took a dive of 31% compared to last year, and their losses got even wider by almost 35%. Yikes!

Here's the scoop: Intel usually kept quiet about how much money their semiconductor business made. But now, they're letting us in on the numbers because they're planning to make chips for other companies besides themselves. 🤔 It's a bold move, but it'll take some time to pay off.

Intel's bosses are telling investors to hang tight because they expect these losses to peak in 2024. They're hoping to break even somewhere between now and 2030. That's a long time to wait, but fingers crossed for Intel! 🤞