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GET READY for this week’s biggest stories

Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

Weekly Insider: 3 minutes read

GET READY for this week’s biggest stories:

Good morning everyone hope you are doing well. Let us jump right into the biggest stories of the week

Uh-oh! Google's Gemini AI Tool Got a Little Too Creative with History! 🙊

Imagine this: You're using Gemini, Google’s AI tool, to create historical images like the Founding Fathers or WWII soldiers. But uh-oh! Google decides to sprinkle in some diversity, and it's a bit too much... 😅

Gemini is meant to churn out images based on what users ask for. Sounds cool, right? Well, the results have been all over the place. Instead of the expected historical figures, we’re getting a mix of characters from different backgrounds. While diversity is awesome, historical accuracy is a must! Educational materials need to be spot on.

Some folks are sharing funny reactions on social media about Google's mishap. But hey, Google’s owning up to it and promising to fix things. While they're at it, it might be wise to stick to traditional historical sources until Gemini gets its act together. After all, accuracy matters in education! 📚✨

ASEAN's Consumer Activity: On the Decline? 📉

S&P Global Ratings just dropped a report and it's got some interesting predictions for 2024. According to the report, things might be slowing down a bit in the consumer department across the ASEAN region this year. Why? Well, it seems like people are feeling less confident about spending their hard-earned cash 💸, and there are some tighter rules about money floating around.

But hey, it's not all doom and gloom! S&P Global Ratings is still cheering on the ASEAN consumer market, saying it's gonna keep on growing faster than a sprout in springtime! Why the optimism? Well, turns out, the region's got some pretty sturdy economic growth and job markets backing it up. So even though consumer activity might slow down a bit, it's not gonna grind to a halt!😬

The report even dives into specific countries like Vietnam and Thailand. In Vietnam, they're expecting things to pick up speed after a sluggish 2023, thanks to some economic recovery tricks up their sleeves. 🚀 And over in Thailand, if some proposed spending plans come to life, we could see a boost in consumer activity. Fingers crossed! 🤞

Ukrainian Support: America's Winning Ticket!" 🌟!

So, here's the scoop: Helping out Ukraine isn't just a nice gesture; it's super beneficial for the U.S! 🇺🇸 But hold up, let's break it down in simple terms:

💼 Boosting the Economy: Did you know that a whopping 90% of the money the U.S. sends to Ukraine returns to the US? Yup, that's right! It helps create thousands of jobs across the country, from Alabama to Texas! Plus, all those cool weapons Ukraine uses? They're made in the good ol' U.S. of A.! 🚀

🛡️ Strengthening NATO: Supporting Ukraine has given Europe a wake-up call to step up its defense game. Now, more countries are pitching in to protect themselves, which means less pressure on the U.S. to foot the bill. Win-win! 🌍

⚔️ Weakening Russia: By helping Ukraine, they are giving Russia a run for its money! Without even sending their troops, they’re making a big dent in Russia's military power.

Grads' Salaries Soar, But Jobs Take a Dip: 2023 Employment Report Revealed!" 🎓💼

In 2023, fresh university graduates snagged higher salaries compared to the last three years. But fewer of them landed full-time, part-time, or freelance gigs due to slower economic growth. 😕

According to the latest survey released on Feb 22, the median gross salary for fresh grads rose to S$4,313, up from S$4,200 in 2022. Not bad, right? 📈 But hold your hats! Only 84.1% of fresh grads secured full-time permanent roles, a drop from 87.5% in 2022. There's more: fewer grads found part-time or temporary work (down to 4% from 4.5% in 2022), and fewer freelancing gigs too (dropping to 1.5% from 1.8% in 2022). 📉😮 And guess what? Graduates in information & digital tech still scored the highest monthly pay at S$5,500! But engineering grads saw a slight drop in pay to S$4,500. 😔

Overall, out of 10,900 surveyed graduates, 89.6% landed some kind of job within six months of graduating, down from 93.8% in 2022. In terms of fields, health sciences, information & digital tech, and business boasted the highest full-time employment rates. It's been a mixed bag for grads in 2023. But hey, keep your chin up! With perseverance and hard work, you'll find your way! 💪

🏛️ Greece Makes Big Bank Move!

Guess what? Greece's bank bailout fund is selling its entire 27% stake in Piraeus Bank in early March! This is a big deal because it's the fourth time they have done this since October. 📆 

The Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) was created to help Greek banks during a tough time from 2008-2018. Now, they're saying, "We're selling our shares in Piraeus Bank!" 💼💰 And get this – Piraeus Bank is valued at a whopping 4.9 billion euros! That means the HFSF could make more than 1 billion euros from this sale! 💸💸

At first, they thought of selling only 22%, but there's so much interest from foreign investors that they might sell 27%! 🌟 They'll offer most of it to big investors and a bit to regular folks like us. 🤝 The bank is feeling pretty confident too! They're expecting big profits in the coming years, and their shares have already gone up by 20% since January! 📈 Overall, Greece's banking sector is looking good. With strong economic growth and an improved credit rating, things are on the upswing! 🚀

Join Us EVERY Friday at 11 am, grab your popcorn, and stay curious as there are many more juicy stories to come

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Grab's Big Win: First Profitable Quarter Ever! 🎉

Big news alert: Grab just made history by scoring its very first profitable quarter since joining forces with another company! 💰💥 They raked in a sweet US$11 million in profit! But hold onto your hats, because there's more! Grab's revenue for the quarter shot up a whopping 30% to a cool US$653 million, leaving experts stunned! And they didn't stop there – they've been cutting back on incentives and revving up performance across all their businesses! 💪💸

And guess what? They're not just about rides and meals anymore – Grab's diving into the banking world too! 🏦💳 With loans flying out the door and over 100,000 signups in just two weeks for GX Bank in Malaysia, they're making big moves! And they're not forgetting about their shareholders – Grab's throwing a US$500 million share buyback party! 🎉🤑

Nvidia Rockets: Analysts Bullish on $2 Trillion Valuation!

Get ready for some serious excitement, folks! Nvidia is on fire 🔥, and analysts are betting big on its journey to a mind-blowing $2 trillion market value! In the latest round of exhilarating news, Nvidia's shares are soaring to unprecedented heights, potentially adding a jaw-dropping $240 billion to its already massive market worth! 💥

This surge follows an epic earnings report that blew past all expectations, setting the stage for the next phase of the tech world's AI revolution! They have big plans to revolutionise industries like automotive, healthcare, finance, and more! And it's not just talk – Nvidia's numbers are off the charts! Their fourth-quarter earnings skyrocketed by a whopping 410%, powered by staggering data center sales that tripled to $21.1 billion! Plus, their profit margins are widening faster than a smile on payday! 😁

But hold onto your hats, because Wall Street analysts are cranking up the hype even more! Price targets are flying higher than ever, with projections reaching as high as $1.4K per share! 🎯 These analysts see Nvidia as the undisputed leader in the AI revolution, with a market opportunity worth trillions! 💪